We design livelihood solutions in collaboration with the community and handhold such interventions till the time the community needs them.
The goal of Self-reliant India (Atm Nirbhar Bharat) can be achieved effectively once the grassroots activities of micro enterprises have enough scope to flourish. Mentoring micro-enterprises for success and linking them with welfare measures is an important task that we perform.


  1. Selection and Incubation of rural/urban micro-entrepreneurs.
  2. Selection and Upscaling of existing rural/urban micro-entrepreneurs.
  3. Handholding and mentoring to such micro-entrepreneurs: Profiling, Appraisal, Market Research, Business Plan, Piloting, Capacity Building, technology linkage, Scheme linkage, Bank Linkage, and Upscaling.
  4. Continuous Online training and monitoring from ME experts and Entrepreneurship experts.
  5. Facilitating the creation of business networks and platforms.
  6. 2-year program.